Concerned About An Aging Loved One? How In-Home Senior Care Can Help

Watching a cherished relative grow older can bring up many mixed emotions. You happily remember all the wonderful times you've shared and feel a sense of nostalgia when you are in their presence. There are also moments when you feel pain as you watch them begin to struggle to complete activities that used to be as natural as breathing. Yes, your loved one is moving into their golden years and while they still seem sharp as a tack, you might still notice things that leave you concerned.

Why Choose 24/7 Home Care Service?

In many cases, senior citizens require help with daily tasks. Home care services allow them to get the help they need without moving to a nursing home. When selecting home care services, you'll have the opportunity to choose the level and frequency of care that your loved one requires. For people who need constant assistance, 24-hour care services are available. Here are four advantages to choosing 24/7 home care services for your loved one:

Age Sneaks Up: Three Possible Threats Your Elderly Loved One Doesn't Know They're Facing

No one really wants to admit that they're getting older, and the same can be said of senior citizens. If you have an elderly loved one in your life that lives alone or only with a spouse of the same age, it may be time to get them some help around their home. They likely don't even know that they're at an increased risk of injury from doing normal household tasks, but after you read this guide, you'll know all about it.

Knee-High Compression Socks Can Help Dancers With Sprained Ankles Handle Swelling

The dangers of ankle sprains can be hard to predict, particularly for dancers who may need the strength of their feet and legs to succeed. The swelling caused by sprains can be particularly tough to tolerate, which is why it is critical to consider the benefits of high-quality knee-high compression socks. Ankle Sprains May Cause Excessive Swelling Sprains to the ankle are very painful and can make a dancer's life much more difficult by making it impossible for them to practice or compete on their injured leg.

Why Home Health Care Is Best During The Coronavirus Outbreak

For many people, especially the elderly, going to the doctor's or nurse's office for medical treatments and check-ups is part of regular routine. While these offices are still open during the coronavirus pandemic due to their qualifying as essential businesses, that doesn't necessarily mean that going outside right now is the best idea for these vulnerable groups of people. Until the situation improves, it may be a good time to consider having a health worker come to you or your loved one.

Why You Should Prioritize Lead Paint Removal When Flipping A House

If you are planning on buying a house so that you can fix it up and either rent it out or sell it, you'll probably need to make various changes and improvements to the home. You might already have some projects in mind, but one thing that you might not have thought about is checking for the presence of lead paint. If the fixer-upper that you are buying is an older home, there is a good chance that lead paint is present.

Loved One Showing Signs Of Dementia? How Moving Them Into A Senior Memory Care Community Can Help

It's hard to watch a once-vibrant loved one begin to succumb to dementia. You feel like the person is slowly going away, even though their body remains in your physical presence. Dementia is marked by memory loss, inability to solve problems, and a decline in basic thinking skills. The ailment could start with something as small as constantly misplacing a wallet and gradually increase to the point where the person struggles to remember your name.

In-Home Senior Care Or A Nursing Facility? How To Make The Right Choice

Is in-home senior care the right choice for your loved one? If you're not sure whether your parent, grandparent, or aging family member requires senior care service in the home or a skilled nursing facility, take a look at the questions to ask right now. What Kind of Care Does the Senior Need? Does your loved one need help with everyday activities and household chores or do they need more substantial medical care?

A Home Health Aide Can Help Your Loved One Manage Diabetes

Diabetes is a controllable medical condition. Yet, when not managed correctly, the disease can cause serious injuries and prove to be fatal. Helping your loved one control their diabetes is important, and a home health aide can help with the process.  1. Medication Management Taking medication as prescribed, whether in pill form or insulin injection, is critical for patients with diabetes. However, as people age, they sometimes forget to take their medication, or if they have mobility concerns, they might find it challenging to get to their medicine.

Facts About Hospice Care For Families

Death is a part of living that is unavoidable While everyone knows it will end up happening, no amount of planning can ease sadness when it is time to say goodbye. But how can you make it possible for your sick family to have care in their final days? Many choose to go to hospice. If you plan to admit a dear one to a hospice, here is some helpful advice for you. Hospice takes care of patients, whether it's a personal residence or a nursing home.

2 Ways That Home Health Care Can Help Your Parent

As your parent ages, there may be a time when your parent can't be as independent as they have been in the past. If you don't want to put your parent in a residential facility and you want to bring them into your house, then you may need to have extra help to take care of your parent, especially if they have any issues like dementia. One thing you can do is to work with a home health care service.

Things To Consider If You're Thinking About Working In In-Home Nursing Care

If you have been thinking about a new career in the healthcare field, you might be thinking about becoming an in-home nurse. If you're considering in-home nursing care for your next job, you should make sure that you understand the career and what you can expect of it first.  While the fundamentals may be the same, in-home nursing care isn't like your traditional nursing services. Here are a few things you should know before you decide whether in-home nursing care is the right career for you.

3 Steps to Choosing a Home Care Service

In-home care is ideal for anyone who needs assistance regularly. Caregivers can help you maintain your personal hygiene. They can help you bathe, wash your clothes, brush your teeth, and even comb your hair. They can also perform light housekeeping and run everyday errands. Once you decide you'd like the assistance of an in-home caregiver, you will need to find one. Here are three steps that will help you choose the home care service that will fill your needs:

In-Home Elderly Care For Seniors With Dementia

Seniors with dementia or other types of cognitive deficits should not live alone. If your loved one is resistant to relocating to a long-term care facility, consider an in-home elderly care provider. Whether you choose a caregiver who "comes and goes" or who is a "live-in," he or she will help your elderly loved one so that his or her golden years can be enjoyed. Here are some ways in-home elderly caregivers can assist seniors with dementia.

Signs That May Indicate The Need For Home Health Services

If your senior loved one lives alone, you probably worry about his or her health, wellness, and safety. While many seniors can live independently throughout their golden years, others may need help. Here are some signs that may mean your aging loved one needs home health care or in-home nursing services: Grooming And Hygiene Signs The next time you visit your elderly loved one, look for signs of poor grooming and hygiene.

3 Ways To Set Your Parent Up For Success With In-Home Care

There are many reasons why you might have decided that in-home care is right for your elderly parent. You might feel more comfortable if you know that someone is there to keep an eye on your parent, and you might find that hiring someone to help will take a lot of pressure off of your family, too. Of course, you will probably want to do what you can to set your parent up for success with in-home care.

What To Expect When In An Assisted Living Facility

Assisted living facilities have become an integral part of the care landscape for seniors looking for an alternative to living at home alone. Some people in an assisted living still drive, do their own shopping, and need minimal assistance within the facility. Others that reside in the assisted living facility may need a bit more help, but it is not the same as nursing home care. Assisted living focuses on providing enrichment activities, promotes independence, and looks for ways to create a homelike environment for everyone that lives there.

Tips For Dealing With Someone With Dementia

Having a loved one succumb to dementia can be emotionally devastating. At the same time, you will of course want to do whatever you can to make your loved one's quality of life as comfortable as possible during whatever time they have left. That said, caring for someone with dementia over the long-term can take its toll on the caregiver as well. Here are some tips to keep in mind while interacting with someone who is suffering from dementia.